Real People Finding Real Happiness – Interview with Christie Parcigneau

This week’s Real People Finding Real Happiness interview is with Christie Parcigneau.  Christie was not only a 21 Day Happiness Challenge participant, she created the guided meditation for the challenge.  

In this episode, Christie gives us some great insight into building our meditation practice. Sharing her biggest take-aways from the challenge she reminds us to celebrate the small wins, ask for what we need and focus on our strengths.  I think you will enjoy getting to know Christie in this episode and find that her guided meditation, positive outlook and infectious laugh will draw you to this incredible woman.

Resources I referred to this week:

Check out Christie’s Guided meditations in French and English.
You can learn more about Christie and the healing work that she does at Wheel of Life Wellness.

I hope you enjoy this week’s podcast. Don’t forget we’d love to see you over on the Facebook Group, The Happier You Podcast!  Sign up and get the podcast delivered right to your inbox here.

To hear any of the original podcast episodes that were referenced in Christie’s 3 biggest take-aways, you can follow these links:

Celebrating The Small Wins
How to Ask For What You Need
Acknowledge Your Strengths

2 thoughts on “Real People Finding Real Happiness – Interview with Christie Parcigneau

  • Melissa

    Christie has been in my life for more than 6 years and I have had the chance to participate in several of her guided meditation over the years. They are wonderful to the point where I have dosed off and that is a beautiful compliment I am sending her. She is an all around beautiful person and I just loved that you’ve had her on your podcast. Wishing you both lot’s of happiness.

    • Melissa, thank you for reaching out. I have only just connected with Christie recently and already I find her energy and personality nurturing and uplifting to be around. I really enjoyed sharing her and her wisdom with our community. Wishing you lots of happiness back!

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