Unleashing Abundance: How Focusing on the Good Multiplies Blessings EP#104

Unleashing Abundance: How Focusing on the Good Multiplies Blessings EP#104

In this episode I am talking about how focusing on the good multiplies blessings! Have you really thought about what you are focusing on? When we don't think about it, we end up focusing on what we don't want to expand. The way other people annoy us. How our kids didn't put away their things. Maybe your carpooling partner is always late! How it feels like you are the only one who empties the dishwasher! What we focus on expands. So when we focus on things that drive us crazy…well… you get the picture. In today's episode I give you some ideas of things you can focus on so that they can expand in your life. If focusing on the good multiplies blessings, then don't you think its worth a…
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The Power of Choice: Your Authentic Path to Happiness EP#103

The Power of Choice: Your Authentic Path to Happiness EP#103

Today's episode is about The Power of Choice: Your Authentic Path to Happiness. Have you ever felt like life's demands left you with little room to choose, or maybe you've found yourself going with the flow, unsure of what you truly want? Well, I'm here to tell you that embracing your power to choose is your authentic path to happiness. Join me as we dive deep into the transformative power of choice. In this podcast, we'll explore how every decision, whether big or small, shapes our happiness and fulfillment. I know it might sound a bit controversial, but trust me, when you take a closer look, you'll realize that everything in your life is there because of a choice. Together, we'll uncover three key ways that actively choosing for yourself…
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Escaping the Drama Triangle: Discover Where You’re Stuck EP#102

Escaping the Drama Triangle: Discover Where You’re Stuck EP#102

In today's episode we are talking with Diane Sorensen about escaping the drama triangle and discovering where you're stuck.  Diane explains how understanding the Drama triangle can help us figure out why we struggle in some of our relationships. Diane is a Transformational Coach specializing in parenting and relationships.We learn about the Drama triangle and the 3 roles that we can find ourselves in.  I am fascinated by the rescue triangle because I think it can be a useful tool to understand how we keep getting ourselves into the same frustrating patterns when we are communicating with our loved ones.Diane doesn't just explain the 3 roles to us.  She gives us suggestions to recognize which roles we might be unknowingly settling into.  Then she suggests a game plan to escape…
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Beating Chronic Pain And Living Your Authentic Life EP#101

Beating Chronic Pain And Living Your Authentic Life EP#101

In today's episode we are talking about beating chronic pain and living your authentic life with Movement and Yoga Therapist, Brittany Wassef.   Brittany shares her personal journey breaking free from chronic pain and how that lead to discovering her authentic life!  Join us as Brittany shares ways we can deal with chronic pain and encourages us all to pay attention and notice more of what is going on in our bodies.  She shares that she is not pain free, but she is free of chronic pain and now knows what her body is communicating to her when pain shows up. If you want to know more about Brittany and what she does you can check out her website here: Home (britwassef.com) Just a reminder about my last free 40…
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Celebrating 100 Episodes of The Happier You EP#100

Celebrating 100 Episodes of The Happier You EP#100

Today's episode is Celebrating 100 Episodes of The Happier You and honouring the journey that has brought us here. My friend Johanna Wickie takes the interviewer seat and helps me reflect on and celebrate what it took to get to this point. Grit, curiosity, determination, connection and inspiration.  It takes a little bit of all of those to hit 100!  We talk about all that and more in today's episode. Join me in celebrating our 100 episodes! No matter where you are at on your journey, there is always room for 1 more in The Happier You Community.  I hope you enjoy this episode because I never would have reached it without listeners like you. Here is the link for the free Workshops I'm running in February:https://thehappieryou.net/courses/
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How To Take Back Control of Your Health And Your Happiness This Year EP#099

How To Take Back Control of Your Health And Your Happiness This Year EP#099

In this episode I am talking to Amber Frauenholtz about how to take back control of your health and your happiness this year.  Amber is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP), and Health Coach who specializes in helping women feel their best through custom, holistic health plans that start with food.  She is passionate about helping others avoid the nutritional depletion and stress that accompanies being a woman in our culture today.  Amber specializes in helping people unlock their individual health and nutrition concerns.  However, despite our health being individual, today she shares some easy wins ,and life hacks, that all of us can start with.I loved Amber's contagious laugh, and I really appreciated that she encouraged us all to start with something small and achievable instead…
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How To Start Your 2024 Adventure With A Positive Attitude EP#098

How To Start Your 2024 Adventure With A Positive Attitude EP#098

In this week's podcast I am talking about how to start your 2024 adventure with a positive attitude.  Maybe you are like me and are having a slow start to this year. I don't know about you, but I was holding myself back from setting goals. In today's episode I shared a tool that really helped me combat my reluctance to create new goals and remind me to stay focused on the positive things I've accomplished.  I was also reminded to learn from all my 2023 experiences, be they successes or failures. I encourage you to try the tactic I share in this episode and would love to hear how it works out for you. We created a tracking sheet to help you with this week's challenge.  Check it out in the…
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Harnessing The Power of Gratitude For Joyful Living EP#097

Harnessing The Power of Gratitude For Joyful Living EP#097

Today I'm talking about harnessing the power of gratitude for joyful living.  In today's episode, I share 6 reasons why I think gratitude is an important happiness tool and why I think you should try the Gratitude Challenge and see for yourself.  The Holidays are not the most wonderful time of the year for everyone.  When you grow your gratitude practice you'll find yourself focusing on what good you have in your life.  Instead of this time of the year being a painful reminder of all the things that are wrong or missing in your life.A few years ago I started a tradition of sharing a gratitude quote on The Happier You Facebook page every day in December.   This year, I wanted to up the game a bit and encourage…
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When We Feel Good In Our Body, We Feel Good In Our Life – Interview With Katie Allen EP#096

When We Feel Good In Our Body, We Feel Good In Our Life – Interview With Katie Allen EP#096

Today's podcast is with Katie Allen, Personal Stylist and host of the Styled For Life Podcast.  Katie tells us that when we feel good in our body, we feel good in our life.  Her special skill is helping women feel good in their body by helping them figure out their own personal style.In today's episode she talks about self awareness.  As I get more and more comfortable showing the real me to the outside world I have benefited from Katie's guidance.    I love how she uses the bowling analogy to explain how we can use style formulas until we are comfortable creating our own style.   You don't want to miss this episode.  #Stylesquadsexy  What do sexy and confidence mean to you?Resources I referenced this week:Katie Allen: Personal Stylist & Podcaster …
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Do Your Best Until You Know Better EP#095

Do Your Best Until You Know Better EP#095

Today's episode is about being okay with our best until we know better.  Its from a famous quote by Maya Angelou.  But the question is, when are we supposed to "know better?"  I think there are 3 times that spur us into figuring out when to know better.  Join me in today's podcast and I'll tell you what I think they are.One of them requires us to slow down enough to ask ourselves, "who am I being in all this doing?"  Its a question I ask myself often.  Its not about criticizing ourselves and looking for perfection, its about being okay with imperfection and learning how to be better through trial and error. Resources I referenced this week: If you want to know more about Doris and her financial literacy…
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