Who Are You Choosing To Be EP#004

Who Are You Choosing To Be EP#004

Blog, Podcast, Top Posts
Are you living a life true to yourself or trying to keep up with the Joneses? If you don't make decisions in your own life, then others will do it for you! This week we are talking about showing up and being present in your own life! Every morning you get a new opportunity to wake up and choose how you approach your day! So, who are you choosing to be? And how are you showing up? If you don’t choose, someone else will choose for you. Have you ever wondered why you made decisions?  Why you bought something?  Why you judged someone?  Did you know that in every situation you have a choice. You might not always like the choice...but you do have one. Every time you let someone…
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Celebrating The Small Wins EP#003

Celebrating The Small Wins EP#003

Podcast, Top Posts
Have you stopped setting goals because you never achieve them? This week I talk about the importance of celebrating small wins! I share my embarrassingly small personal wins so that you know that no win is too small. Celebrate you, celebrate your wins and have more fun getting to where you are going!!! Life is way better when you celebrate success (however small) rather than focus on failure. Learn how two of my favourite books tell us how to make it easier.
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Finding Ways to Mentally Recharge During COVID-19 EP#002

Finding Ways to Mentally Recharge During COVID-19 EP#002

Podcast, Top Posts
In this episode I admit that COVID-19 made me question what I was doing. I didn't feel worthy of this project, of inspiring people and motivating others to find their happy. Why would anyone want to listen to me? Luckily a good friend basically said "get over it! Acknowledge COVID-19 and then keep going." That is what this episode is. Me admitting that fear of not being good enough almost shut me down before I even really got started. What I realized in the conversation with that friend is that I've been sulking and eating my way through this "unprecedented time." This Resulted in me using COVID 19 as my excuse not to start this podcast. That's done. I realized that finding ways to mentally recharge during COVID 19 was…
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