5 Happiness Tools To Help You Increase Your Resilience EP#064

5 Happiness Tools To Help You Increase Your Resilience EP#064

This week I am talking about 5 happiness tools that can help you increase your resilience.  Resilience is your ability to get back to your normal state after a struggle or a crisis.  Its not really something most of us spend time thinking about until we find ourselves having to dig deep and work our way through a crisis or struggle.   I am convinced that by working on these 5 happiness tools, you are actually building your resilience muscle as well.  How cool is that?  More bang for your personal growth time!  YES!!    I think that if you choose one of these happiness tools and work on it for a couple of months, you will notice an increase in your happiness AND your resilience.  Don't you think that…
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How Gratitude Can Boost Happiness And Change How You See The World EP#063

How Gratitude Can Boost Happiness And Change How You See The World EP#063

This week I am talking about how gratitude can boost your happiness and change how you see the world.  I believe gratitude has changed the way I see the world.  Today's episode is a reminder of how powerful gratitude is and even though I think I'm quite good at it, even I forget sometimes to focus on the good of what I have instead of what I lack.  This happiness tool is an easy "go to" tool to change the way you feel in any moment.  However, when you add it to your life as a daily practice you will just be different.  Today's episode is a reminder of how powerful gratitude can be and to encourage you to keep at yours and give it a boost if you can.Resources…
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How To Move On From the Yucky Stuff And Feel More Happy EP#062

How To Move On From the Yucky Stuff And Feel More Happy EP#062

This week we are talking about how to get yourself through the yucky stuff so you can feel more happy.  If you are like me, your inner critic berates you for every screw up and misstep.  One mistake and you can spiral into a judgemental dark place identifying with your screw up.  Today's episode is to get you to remember that how you react to things and support yourself through the tough stuff is a choice.  I want to encourage you to be a good friend to yourself in the rough stuff, and help yourself out of that yucky stuff with self compassion, understanding and care. Resources I referenced this week:Episdoe 33 of The Happier You PodcastThe Gifts of Imperfection ~ Brene BrownDr. Kristen Neff  on Self-Compassion - www.selfcompassion.org I…
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Real People Finding Real Happiness – Interview with Karen Holliday EP#061

Real People Finding Real Happiness – Interview with Karen Holliday EP#061

This week's podcast is a Real Happiness Interview with Karen Holliday.  Karen is a Happiness Community Member who just finished the 21 Day Happiness Challenge.  Karen asks, "Who wouldn't want to be happier?"  Which is a great question!  Listen and find out why Karen believes that a small daily investment in yourself can bring you joy.  And that joy can spread to others around you.  I really enjoyed getting to know Karen in this interview.  I think you will love her insight and honesty. Resources I referenced in today's episode:The Podcast on Play: The Transformative Power of Creativity and Play – Part 2 The Podcast on Habits: Celebrating The Small Wins The Podcast on Journaling: How To Set Yourself Up For Success on This Journey Atomic Habits, James ClearThe Gifts…
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How Community Support Can Help You Live Your Best Life EP#060

How Community Support Can Help You Live Your Best Life EP#060

Today's episode is about how community support can help you live your best life.  As I was reviewing my month to see how I could make the next month better, I realized that despite a seemingly "all over the place" month, I maintained some of my positive habits. I attribute my success last month to 3 online communities I have joined and the positive peer pressure I get from being part of them. All 3 communities inspire me to live my best life. Join me in today's episode and learn what those communities have done for me and find out the power of what I call a "Victory Selfie"! What communities are supporting you in living your best life?Resources I referenced this week:Interview with Teri Murray was called :Real People…
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Who Or What Has The Power Over Your Happiness Level EP#059

Who Or What Has The Power Over Your Happiness Level EP#059

Today's episode is discussing who has control over your happiness level?  I think happiness is a decision you make daily.  If you don't know what your happiness looks like then how can you focus on it and make decisions to increase it?  What you focus on expands.  What are you focusing on?  Sometimes we need to slow down and figure out what our happiness looks like, even if its just the first small step, so we can focus on that. Resources I referenced in this episode:Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline - The 7 Basic Skills For Turning Conflict Into Cooperation - Becky A. Bailey, Ph. D. Happiness Challenge Waitlist - Sign up here so you don't miss out on our next 21 Day Happiness Challenge  I hope you enjoy…
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How To Build Momentum In Your Happiness Journey EP#058

How To Build Momentum In Your Happiness Journey EP#058

Today's episode is about how to build momentum in your happiness journey.  When you celebrate small wins in your daily life, you build momentum, and happiness.  Celebrating small wins keeps you motivated to continue on with your progress and goals.  If you are looking for small wins to celebrate in your daily life, today's challenge is figuring out a new positive habit you can add to your life, so you can try this "celebrating small wins" concept for yourself. Resources I referenced in this episode:Atomic Habits - James ClearEssentialism - Greg McKeownCelebrating The Small Wins - the previous episode where I discuss my first attempt at adding a positive habit to my life with flossing!
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Are You Waiting For Happiness To Come To You? EP#057

Are You Waiting For Happiness To Come To You? EP#057

This week I am talking about taking steps toward creating your happiness instead of waiting for it to come to you.  When you choose happiness then you can enjoy the journey to those things that you think will bring you happiness, instead of just the accomplishment of the goal or achievement.Each of us has our own happiness journey, there is no set path.  However, you have to start somewhere.  Don't sit back and wait for happiness to come to you.  Your Happiness is inside of you.  In this episode I am sharing why I think being proactive is important, and how I think you can jump start your happiness journey today. Resources This Week:The Happier You 21 Day Challenge I hope you enjoy this week’s podcast. Don’t forget we’d love…
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Do New Year’s Resolutions Help Or Hurt Your Happiness Level? EP#056

Do New Year’s Resolutions Help Or Hurt Your Happiness Level? EP#056

This week I am asking, "Do New Year's Resolutions help or hurt your happiness level?" The answer isn't a clear yes or no. It depends on how you choose your resolutions, or goals, as we sometimes call them. It also depends on how you go about evaluating their success. Today, I discuss what tactics I think guarantee an increase in happiness when it comes to your 2022 goals. I also talk about what I think should be avoided when setting them. The question I learned to ask before setting my 2022 goals is this, “What can you accomplish in 2022 that will make this a great year for you?” By taking the time set the right goals now, and committing to working on the 3 happiness tools I discuss in…
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Quality Time With Quality People And Changing The Way We See The World EP#055

Quality Time With Quality People And Changing The Way We See The World EP#055

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com This episode I am looking at 2021 through the lens of my gratitude jar and realizing I am grateful for quality time with quality people.  As we look back on 2021 I am asking you to perform your reflection and review and celebrate the wins, no matter how small.  Using this review, we ask ourselves, what can we do in 2022 to make it a great year! Resources I referenced this week:The Happier You 21 Day Challenge Don’t forget we’d love to see you over on the Facebook Group, The Happier You Podcast!  You can also sign up to get the podcast delivered right to your inbox here.
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