Who Are You Choosing To Be EP#004

Are you living a life true to yourself or trying to keep up with the Joneses? If you don’t make decisions in your own life, then others will do it for you! This week we are talking about showing up and being present in your own life! Every morning you get a new opportunity to wake up and choose how you approach your day! So, who are you choosing to be? And how are you showing up?

If you don’t choose, someone else will choose for you.

Have you ever wondered why you made decisions?  Why you bought something?  Why you judged someone?  Did you know that in every situation you have a choice. You might not always like the choice…but you do have one.

Every time you let someone else choose you are giving away your power.

Who are you choosing to be? We make decisions because its just easier to follow the crowd than it is to stop and ask ourselves what is best for us.  Quite often we are so busy being busy that we don’t pull back and ask ourselves…

What do I want?

What do I value?

What is best for my family?

If I just keep up with the Jones’ am I being true to myself?

Do you remember the last time you actually analyzed what you want?

When is the last time you stood in your power and spoke what you want?  Not had a melt down because you are over worked and stressed and fed up and lost it on someone close to you because you just couldn’t handle anything else.  When is the last time you set your boundaries, and planned your life? 

Or even before that, when is the last time you sat in silence and just thought about what’s next for you?

What does your ideal life look like?  I know it would be great if we lived a movie story and someone would swoop in and realize how amazing we are and save us and give us everything our heart desired.  But that isn’t real life.  And if that did happen, are you sure you even know what your heart desires or would you just “desire” what you have been told to desire.

Last year When I was searching for what is next for me I purposely pulled off social media and seeing what everyone else was up to.  I also wanted to avoid the ads and the marketing.  What consumes your mind controls your life.  I didn’t want anyone else telling me what was next in my journey.  I wanted to start the next chapter listening to my inner voice. 

One day I decided to look up Cait Flanders. A couple of years ago I had really enjoyed her book, The Year of Less. Based on that, I decided I wanted to know what she was up to these days and learn a little more about her.  As I read through her final blog I learned more about who she was and what she stood for.  The blog post I read was “How I Slowly Grew my Blog my Own Way”.  I loved it.  I thought it was powerful and explained the honest caring person she was. 

She gave me permission to trust my gut and do it my way.

I want to make a difference and I want to build a supportive community striving to finding their happy.  I honestly think I can’t be the only person searching for this feeling!   This all started with me looking for my happy.  For committing to going inside myself, and asking myself what my happy looks like.  And the answer was to learn to love yourself and take others with you on your journey.   

I think we all deserve happy. And I truly believe that when you start seeking yours you can bring others with you. We can switch the world from focusing on what others have, and start focusing on what they really have!

If you want to know more about me and why I started this passion project you can check out my intro podcast here.

2 thoughts on “Who Are You Choosing To Be EP#004

  • Andrea

    Love listening to you Bona. Oddly enough, this slowing down to life fits beautifully with my internal rhythm. I usually feel stressed trying to answer everyone’s questions about “what are you up to, what are you getting the kids into, what are your weekend plans “. Like if I ever say, we’re just hangin’ out, it’s not enough. For a little while right now I get to breathe deeply and be fully present.

  • Andrea, I love it. And I sincerely hope that when we come out of this time that you continue to breathe deep and be fully present. I think giving that gift to your kids is super important. I love that about you. Enjoy your week beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing.

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