How Validation Helps Us Connect To Others And Support Ourselves EP#091

Kathleen Thaler talking about how validation helps us connect to others and support ourselves

In today’s episode we are talking about how validation helps us connect to others and support ourselves.  My guest Kathleen Thaler is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a friend.  I invited her on the podcast because over the summer we had a conversation about validation and how important it is. Particularly when raising teens, connecting with others and for helping ourselves through the ups and downs of life. I am so excited for her to share how validation can help you support you.

In today’s interview we touch on a little bit of everything and its so juicy!

As we continue on our happiness journeys, I think learning to validate ourselves as well as others is going to be key. As we grow our self-compassion as well as true connection.  I think you will love meeting Kathleen in this interview and learning all the tips and tricks she gives us for building more validation in our daily lives!!! Join us today and learn how validation helps us connect to others and support ourselves.

Resources I Referenced This Week:
If you want to know more about working with Kathleen, she is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in the province of British Columbia and you can connect with her here:

Here is a link to the episode from Season 1 with Kathleen:

Why Sleep Is A Superpower