How To Be Brave And Celebrate Small Wins Outside Your Comfort Zone EP#073

Be Brave And Celebrate Small Wins Outside Your Comfort Zone.

Today is about How To Be Brave And Celebrate Small Wins Outside Your Comfort Zone.

In today’s episode I am talking about how “Doing Something Different” and going outside your comfort zone can bring you small wins to celebrate. Its not just what you learn outside your comfort zone, but the pure fact that you went outside your comfort zone is a large, small win!

Today I tell you about a recent clash I had with my comfort zone. The unsurprising rise of fear and self doubt, and how I think pushing through the discomfort is worth doing it afraid. Its not easy, and the fear and self doubt keep coming back. However, the more you get outside your comfort zone, the more confident you will get in your ability to do it.

Sometimes we cannot figure out how to get out of this rut we are in. 

We get stuck in a routine and it at worst frustrates us, and at best discourages us.  We hope for something to change but we are stuck in our comfort zone.

Do something different!  Try something new!    Stop doing the same thing and expecting things to change. 

When do we make a change?

We make a change in our lives when we finally hit a point that we just can’t accept that what we’ve got is what we are stuck with.  OR we make a change when we have hope.  Hope that we can change our circumstances. Hope that a particular thing will get us closer to happiness, further from our discomfort or dissatisfaction.

In order to make change, you need to Be Brave And Celebrate Small Wins Outside Your Comfort Zone.

Our next 21 Day Happiness Challenge is starting Monday 7 November. You can Sign Up here so you are ready to go on the 7th.

I hope you enjoy this week’s podcast. Don’t forget we’d love to see you over on the Facebook Group, The Happier You!  Sign up and get the podcast delivered right to your inbox here...