Why I Chose To Embrace Possible Failure Over Taking The Known Path EP#084

Why I Chose To Embrace Possible Failure Over Taking The Known Path EP#084

This week I am talking about why I chose to embrace possible failure instead of taking the known path.  We are so worried about being shamed, judged and made fun of that we often hold ourselves back from trying new things.  What if we took back our power and tried new things that weren't a guaranteed success...how many new things would we try and find out we love?  Or try and find out it isn't for us, but that's okay...because we at least tried it? Waiting to do something because we hope for perfection holds us back from so many experiences in life.  A couple of years ago I decided that if something scared me and had a chance of failure or a less than perfect result, I was going to…
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How Do We Light The Fire To Finally Inspire The Change We Really Want EP#083

How Do We Light The Fire To Finally Inspire The Change We Really Want EP#083

In today's episode I am talking about how we can speed up the process of change by lighting that fire inside that inspires us to finally make the change we really want.  If you are like me, I know I want to make change but I have trouble finding the motivation to go through the steps to get there.  It's usually just easier to complain and go with the flow instead of instigating change.  Except, once we finally make the change we wonder what took us so long? Today I'm giving you a 4 (and a half) step process to help you speed this process along.   The steps aren't difficult, its just that we know that making change takes work...and that work isn't always fun, or easy.  The half…
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How To STOP Limiting Your Ability to Experience Happiness EP#082

How To STOP Limiting Your Ability to Experience Happiness EP#082

Today's episode is  about how to STOP limiting your ability to experience happiness.  It was inspired by a great book I have been re-listening to called The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks.  A friend recommended this book when I told her something that I was stuck on and worried about.  She immediately said, "READ THIS BOOK."  I love books and I hate getting stuck on things...so I did.  Well, today's episode is only one of many great things I learned from this book.   I think all of us have "upper limit" challenges in many areas of our lives.  Today, I am talking about how I have seen it play out for me as well as many other members of The Happier You community.  Hopefully I articulate the concept well…
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How Connecting To Your Future Self Helps Increase Focus and Happiness EP#081

How Connecting To Your Future Self Helps Increase Focus and Happiness EP#081

This week I'm talking about How Connecting To Your Future Self Helps Increase Focus and Happiness.  It started with this book I read on connecting to our future self.  As I was reading the book I realized that when we connect to our future self, it puts life in a different focus.  That focus can help us find more happiness today AND in the future. Connection to our future self can help us appreciate what we have now. It can also give us the advantage of making the tough decisions today to help out our future selves. The more connected we are to future us, the easier some of the tough decisions are to make. Connecting to our future self as well as our present self can be best done…
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How To Make February Great When You Don’t Love Valentine’s Day EP#080

How To Make February Great When You Don’t Love Valentine’s Day EP#080

In today’s episode I’m talking about how to make February great when you don't love Valentine's Day. I am going to show you how to use re-framing and anticipation to make February great even if you are like me and you aren’t a fan of Valentine’s Day.  Don’t give control of your happiness to anyone else, especially marketers, social media and retailers!  Figure out what is great about YOUR February and focus on that.Today I'm sharing 5 things I'm going to focus on this month to keep it positive.  You are welcome to share mine or come up with your own.  February is all about working the anticipation and re-framing muscle and creating things you can get excited about, instead of dwelling on things you can't control. Full disclosure, I…
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A 5-Step System To Add More Positive In Your Life EP#079

A 5-Step System To Add More Positive In Your Life EP#079

Today I am introducing you to this 5-Step System To Add More Positive In Your Life. What do you do when you want to make a positive change in your life but you don’t know where to start?  Or your Inner critic has you so wound up you are afraid to even try?  When you think there is absolutely no way you can make a positive change in your life? If we wait for all the lights to be green, we would never start anything.  That’s an easy excuse to never put ourselves out there and try. I think hope is a powerful motivator to make change.  But, what if you just can’t see your way to it. What do you do when you don’t have that spark of hope? This…
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The #1 Reason To Ditch New Years Resolutions And Live Your Best Life EP#078

The #1 Reason To Ditch New Years Resolutions And Live Your Best Life In today's episode I am encouraging you to ditch New Years Resolutions and get on with setting up your best life.  I love fresh starts! And well, January is a chance to take stock and use this fresh start to get you on your way to living your best life!  Join me and I will walk you through my 4 part system to use this fresh start to figure out how to craft a life you can get excited about.  Enjoy this fresh start and fill it with hope.  Let's take that hope and make it work for you! In this episode I mentioned Small Wins. If you want to hear another episode about Small Wins you…
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How To Bring Joy Into Our Annual Review and Honour This Year’s Lessons EP#077

Today's episode is about how to bring joy into your annual review so you can honour his year's lessons. I firmly believe that experience doesn't make you wiser, evaluated experience makes you wiser. And learning to be humble and learn from your experiences doesn't always have to be a daunting or demoralizing job. Its all about how you look at things and the attitude you take into the activity. Its important to embrace your life and face it head on. When you bring joy into your annual Review and honour this year's lessons you are putting yourself squarely in the drivers seat of your life. This gets you one step closer to living your authentic and happier life. You've got this! Join me today as I walk you through the…
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Get Unstuck & Craft A Life With Purpose, Interview with Christine Heinrichs EP#076

Get Unstuck & Craft A Life With Purpose, Interview with Christine Heinrichs EP#076

Today we are talking about how to Get Unstuck and Craft a Life With purpose. Its an inspiring interview with Christine Heinrichs.  I came across Christine's podcast one day when I was looking for something new and inspiring to listen to.  I was so excited when Christine agreed to come on and talk about what she is doing so I could share this amazing woman with you!The episode title...Get Unstuck and Craft A Life with Purpose has special meaning to Christine.  Join us in this fun interview and find out why I think she is so inspiring and how she is helping people get unstuck and craft a life with purpose! Links to find out more about Christine and her awesome work:Podcast: The MilSpouse Mastermind Show Website: https://milspousemastermind.com FB Community:…
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How To Ask For, And Get, What You Really Want This Christmas EP#075

How To Ask For, And Get, What You Really Want This Christmas EP#075

In today's episode I'm talking about how To Ask For, And Get, What You Really Want This Christmas. You are going to do this by knowing what your love language is and that will help you figure out how to get the most out of this Christmas Season. There is so much gift giving at this time of year, and for some of us that isn't as important as other things this time of year. Heading in to this holiday season knowing how you want to receive love just puts you more in the driver's seat of your happiness. Even better if you can get those around you to figure out their love language too. Its creates a great discussion about what is important to everyone as you navigate this…
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