Do Your Best Until You Know Better EP#095

Do Your Best Until You Know Better EP#095

Today's episode is about being okay with our best until we know better.  Its from a famous quote by Maya Angelou.  But the question is, when are we supposed to "know better?"  I think there are 3 times that spur us into figuring out when to know better.  Join me in today's podcast and I'll tell you what I think they are.One of them requires us to slow down enough to ask ourselves, "who am I being in all this doing?"  Its a question I ask myself often.  Its not about criticizing ourselves and looking for perfection, its about being okay with imperfection and learning how to be better through trial and error. Resources I referenced this week: If you want to know more about Doris and her financial literacy…
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My Journey As I Continue To Figure Out This Mindfulness Thing, Part 2 EP#094

My Journey As I Continue To Figure Out This Mindfulness Thing, Part 2 EP#094

This week's episode is a Mindfulness Coaching Session with Mindfulness Coach and Registerred Psychotherapist, Kara Braun.  As I am working on growing my mindfulness practice I ran into some trouble with equanimity...or so I thought.  Today's podcast is a coaching session where I learn more about the 3 Attentional Skills used in mindfulness, and particularly more about sensory clarity.Join me in today's podcast as Kara helps me slow down and pay attention to what my body is telling me AND to learn to make space and stop judging myself.Resources I referred to this week:If you want to find out more about Kara and her mindfulness coaching and psychotherapy practice you can find her at on instagram and on her website is the link to the first Podcast with Kara:Will…
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How She Went From Surviving To Thriving – Interview With Johanna Wickie EP#093

How She Went From Surviving To Thriving – Interview With Johanna Wickie EP#093

🌟 Dive into a transformative tale of resilience and empowerment as we sit down with the remarkable Johanna Wickie on today's episode. 🚀 We hear how she went from some of the toughest months of her life to figuring out what she needed to go from surviving to thriving.  Johanna shares the 'how' and 'why' behind her decisions, providing listeners with powerful insights to apply in their own lives. In this conversation, you'll uncover: How to become your own greatest ally during challenging times. Actionable tips to take charge of your well-being and happiness. A reminder that it's never too late to embark on your own journey of transformation. Prepare to be inspired, uplifted, and motivated as Johanna shares her story. Her story reminds us all that we have the…
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Why Refining Your Expectations Can Increase Joy– Calendar Conversation With Janene Russick EP#092

Why Refining Your Expectations Can Increase Joy– Calendar Conversation With Janene Russick EP#092

This week I am talking to Janene Russick about how refining our expectations can increase our joy.  Janene is an organizing coach and I asked her on to the podcast today to talk about this exercise she has her clients do each month called a "Calendar Conversation."  This monthly exercise has helped me support me!  The more supportive we are to ourselves, the more happiness we discover.  Instead of always setting unrealistic expectations, this exercise gives us a way to set better boundaries, know when to ask for help and really figure out how refining our expectations so we can increase the joy in our lives!  Who wouldn't want that?  I hope you enjoy this conversation with Janene.  She's always a joy to have on the podcast. Resources I referenced…
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How Validation Helps Us Connect To Others And Support Ourselves EP#091

How Validation Helps Us Connect To Others And Support Ourselves EP#091

In today's episode we are talking about how validation helps us connect to others and support ourselves.  My guest Kathleen Thaler is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and a friend.  I invited her on the podcast because over the summer we had a conversation about validation and how important it is. Particularly when raising teens, connecting with others and for helping ourselves through the ups and downs of life. I am so excited for her to share how validation can help you support you. In today's interview we touch on a little bit of everything and its so juicy!As we continue on our happiness journeys, I think learning to validate ourselves as well as others is going to be key. As we grow our self-compassion as well as true connection.  I…
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The How & The Why of Creating a Happiness Support Team EP#090

The How & The Why of Creating a Happiness Support Team EP#090

This week's episode is about the how & the why of creating a happiness support team. In this episode I get to interview 3 ladies from a group of 7 who created their own "Happiness Support Group." I have been lucky enough to get to know these ladies after they all participated in one of our Happiness Challenges last year. Many of them have continued to reach out as they have participated in different Happiness Events over the past year and a half. I love how they were willing to share their experience with me on the podcast. I think these ladies it did it right. Creating a supportive community around ourselves as we continue on our personal happiness journey is integral. Inviting friends to do a challenge with you…
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How To Find Your Journaling Inspiration – Interview With Lori Mitchell EP#089

How To Find Your Journaling Inspiration – Interview With Lori Mitchell EP#089

This week's episode is about how to find your Journaling Inspiration, an interview with Lori Mitchell.  Lori is a friend of mine who I have been talking to about starting a journal practice with for the past few months.  In today's interview she shares how she got to the point that she feels she is ready to start her practice and some of the realizations she's had in getting to this point.Lori invites you to start your journaling practice with her this summer in our Summer Journal Challenge 2023. I hope today's interview inspires you to take the leap and start your personal journal journey.  Whether it is with us in the challenge or on your own.  The important thing is to just start. Here is a link to The Happier You…
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Why Self-Awareness Is Important to Our Happiness Journey EP#088

Why Self-Awareness Is Important to Our Happiness Journey EP#088

Today's podcast is about why self-awareness is important to our happiness journey. Many people tell me that they don't know where to start on their happiness journey, because they don't know what their happiness actually looks like. If you feel like this, you are not alone. What I have learned on my happiness journey, is that you don't actually have to know what your ultimate happiness looks like, you just start your journey, and as you learn and grow you will increase your self-awareness and be able to build more happy into your everyday life. Ultimately, it doesn't matter where you are starting from, it just matters that you start. In today's episode I talk about how while I was creating the Building Your Happiness Foundation Course, I realized that…
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How To Deal With All Our Stuff – Interview With Janene Russick EP#087

How To Deal With All Our Stuff – Interview With Janene Russick EP#087

Today's episode is about How to deal with all our stuff. It's an interview with Janene Russick, an Organization Coach. We have a fun chat about figuring out ways to work through our stuff and the mental challenges that come with that. Janene has a more than a few tricks up her sleeve to help her clients "show up" for themselves and work their way through their habits, decisions and ultimately their stuff. She inspires us with her 8 minute sweep and encourages us to "not dig through the trash." Its okay to release things, you are allowed. Join me today and let Janene "Wow" you as she guides us through How to deal with all our stuff. Resources I referenced this week:If you want to learn more about Janene's…
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How to Keep Working On Your Happy and Staying Open to Being Challenged EP#086

How to Keep Working On Your Happy and Staying Open to Being Challenged EP#086

In today's episode I share how grateful I was when a coach unknowingly gave me my own advice.  After being stunned and more than a little uncomfortable, I realized the blessing and the lesson there.Happiness is not a one and done.  It is not something that you achieve and then it just comes to you.  We have to keep working on it and adapting as things change around us.Today's episode is about not being lazy about our happiness and remaining open to having our ideas and strategies challenged.   When we are challenged we either realize we need to change something, or we are happy with our course of action.Today's episode also has a spoiler about what is coming up in The Happier You Community.  Things I referenced this week:Amanda…
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