Why You Need to Bring Back Anticipation EP#014

Why You Need to Bring Back Anticipation EP#014

Do you remember the anticipation leading to summer holidays as a kid?  Or what about Christmas?  The Anticipation for it lasted way longer than the actual event.  The event came and went and you felt like you hardly blinked.  Back then we knew how to anticipate and enjoy the build up for exciting things in our lives. Recently my husband and I were out for a walk and we realized that when COVID-19 happened, all anticipation for upcoming events was taken away from us.  Suddenly the world was on hold.  We realized that having nothing to look forward to was no fun. We decided we needed to add some “anticipation” back into our lives. Appreciating Anticipation The appreciation for anticipation was a discovery for us a few years ago.  I…
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Stop The Negative Talk – Silence the Inner Critic Ep#013

Stop The Negative Talk – Silence the Inner Critic Ep#013

Are you like me and have negative thoughts about yourself?  That inner critic can be really mean and hit you right when you are most vulnerable.  Getting past this starts with how you talk to yourself.  How you think and talk about yourself and what you allow into your life affects your happiness. Where do you start? You start by shutting down that inner voice  with the negative talk that tells you you are stupid, a loser and that you aren’t good enough so don’t even bother trying.  Have you even noticed how awful you are to yourself sometimes?  It’s a terrible habit that needs to stop immediately. Don't be mean! Especially to yourself! I was the worst for beating the critics to the punch.  I was constantly saying “I’m…
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Does It Bring You Joy? EP#012

Does It Bring You Joy? EP#012

Does it bring you joy?  Have you ever asked yourself this question?  If you have heard of Marie Kondo you know that is her mantra.  Marie Kondo is famous for her book 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing' This week I talk about my experience with the “KonMari” method and what it has done for me.  Why do you allow things in your life if they don’t bring you joy? Instead of ignoring all the stuff around you, noticing whether something brings you joy or takes away from your joy will help you create a happier you!  The more things you have around you that bring you joy, the more happy moments you get in your day.  When something doesn’t bring you joy…
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Embracing The Emotional Cycle of Learning EP#011

Embracing The Emotional Cycle of Learning EP#011

When you try to learn something new, or conquer something that intimidates you, do you get frustrated and overwhelmed?  This often leads to us giving up.  I have learned that as I take on a new challenge I actually follow a certain emotional pattern.I wanted to share this idea with you because I think on this happiness journey, it is important to recognize that there are struggles and ups and downs. When you identify something that you want to overcome or learn, it isn’t usually easy and you can very quickly find yourself in overwhelm. In this conversation with Doris Belland, I realized that I definitely go through overwhelm, but on the other side of it I become more confident, and then eventually feel powerful for having overcome an obstacle…
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Learn How to Ask For What you Need EP#010

Learn How to Ask For What you Need EP#010

Blog, Podcast, Top Posts
I am on a quest to find the happier me.  I think one of the key things is self-awareness and self-acceptance.  One of the ways to be self-aware is knowing how to ask for what you need. How do you know what you need? One of the ways you can know what you need is by knowing your love language.  I’m no expert in this, but my husband and I read the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman around 20 years ago.  I have been a self-improvement person for many, many years.  We read this back before we really had a major argument in our relationship.  As a result, reading this book together allowed us to convey what is important to each of us and helped shape our relationship. I…
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Find Your Focus, Stop The Overwhelm EP#009

Find Your Focus, Stop The Overwhelm EP#009

Blog, Podcast
Are you feeling like you are being pulled in a million different directions right now? Are you like me and feeling overwhelmed with everything in your life? Do you need help to find your focus? I know I sure do! I feel like the world is throwing a lot more at us these days and despite the social distancing, it is overwhelming me. Currently I am having trouble focusing on any one thing, even though I rarely leave my house! I decided to step back from all the busyness and "to do" lists and take a breath and figure out what I need to focus on right now. It's hard just picking one thing. However, when you stop to breathe and really think about your own priorities, it helps. No…
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The Transformative Power of Creativity and Play – Part 2 EP#008

The Transformative Power of Creativity and Play – Part 2 EP#008

Continuing on from last week's episode The Transformative Power of Creativity and Play - Part 1, where we talked about creativity... This week we are going to focus on play!!look at how important it is to our happiness right now. What can you do right now to help relieve stress in your life? Play! How is play defined and how can we add more of it in our lives? Do we have to be creative to successfully play and reap the benefits? No! For instance some people's play could be building a LEGO set with instructions. Conversely another individual may just like to create their own structure from scratch, with no instructions. Both are considered play! However, those of us that are not naturally creative with LEGO and need the…
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The Transformative Power of Creativity and Play – Part 1 EP#007

The Transformative Power of Creativity and Play – Part 1 EP#007

Are you feeling stuck in a rut and uninspired?Is your current situation weighing you down? This week we are talking about the transformative power of creativity and play, and why we all need more of both in our lives.  It all started when I listened to Brene Brown's book The Power of Vulnerability and she talked about art scars.  A lot of us have them and have never gotten over them.  Once you realize that art is a form of creativity and not a pass or fail endeavour, you are free to add more of it to your life.  In other words, stop comparing yourself to other people and just enjoy the process of creating. What is the power of creativity? Being creative makes connections in your brain and helps…
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How To Set Yourself Up For Success on This Journey EP#006

How To Set Yourself Up For Success on This Journey EP#006

Are you sick of starting new projects and then stopping because you don’t feel like you are getting anywhere?   Do you feel like you are stuck and you can’t change anything? This week I talk about the surefire way to ensure success on this journey!  Happiness is an inside job and the only person who can do the work is you.   That’s good and bad right?  ·       BAD - because you can’t blame anyone else for your happiness. ·       GOOD – because you are in charge of your happiness!  Everything you do either gets you closer or further away. Sometimes along the journey called life we give up on things because we feel they aren’t working, they take too much effort, or we are…
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