There Is Room In The Garden For Every Flower

There Is Room In The Garden For Every Flower

This week we are checking in on your happiness journey and talking about excavating the real you hiding underneath the cultural conditioning and other people's opinions.  We each have to follow our own journey, but the unique beautiful person underneath is totally worth the work.  Are you doing the work to ensure your journey gets you to where you want to go? Resources I referenced this week:Emily McDowell & Friends-The Fun Journal about Finding yourself I found in NYC Marianne Williamson - The great quote that gave us today's title I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Don't forget we'd love to see you over on the Facebook Group, The Happier You Podcast!And remember you can get the podcast and the midweek motivator emailed to you weekly when you join…
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Be Patient With Yourself, We Learn In Doing

Be Patient With Yourself, We Learn In Doing

In this episode we talk about the daily living part of personal growth. Sadly there is no quick fix, drive through or magic cream solution. When you decide to change something in your life for the better, it will take action to make it part of your life. Just deciding you want to change is only the start. We need to be patient with ourselves as we learn and grow. You can join The Happier You Podcast Community by signing up for the newsletter.  This ensures the podcast is delivered to your inbox each week as well as the Mid Week Motivator.  This helps you to keep your happiness top of mind.  You can also join our Facebook group called, The Happier You Podcast.  If you have a chance, we…
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You Are Enough EP#022

You Are Enough EP#022

When you listen to the outside world you can constantly hear the message that you are not enough.  You need to do more, have more, buy more, work more.  However, when you realize that you are enough you can begin your journey towards the happier you.  Stop looking outside yourself for you happiness.  It starts on the inside.  Take the life you have and make it the best you can!  Don't compare to anyone else, just figure out your happy and GO FOR IT!!!  No one can tell you how happy you are allowed to be.  That's only for you to decide and make happen. Episode Description: In this week's episode of The Happier You Podcast, I dive into the powerful message of "You Are Enough." Inspired by conversations, books,…
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Look How Far You’ve Come EP#021

Look How Far You’ve Come EP#021

This week we are acknowledging how far you've come! Looking back at your happiness journey so far and acknowledging the progress you've made. Big or small...a win is a win and it needs to be acknowledged and celebrated. I share what I think my top 3 "wins" are since the beginning of the podcast. I hope you are brave enough to share yours with me so we can celebrate together.
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TED Talk Inspiration – Don’t Postpone Your Life EP#020

TED Talk Inspiration – Don’t Postpone Your Life EP#020

This Episode was inspired by a 2011 TED talk with Ric Elias, 3 Things I learned While My Plane Crashed.  He was one of the passengers who was on the flight that crash-landed in the Hudson River in 2009.  In his Ted Talk he shares what he learned from that experience.  Our take-away was, Don't Postpone Your Life! We talk about how his TED talk impacted us and how it made us start a conversation about how we are choosing to live our lives.  We figured why wait for a huge event to learn the lessons he shared.  Let's talk about it and do something about it now.  "Don't Postpone Your Life" encourages you to figure out what is important to you and live it now.  And in the wise…
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Who Do You Spend Time With? EP#019

Who Do You Spend Time With? EP#019

Who do you surround yourself with?  Do you let other people's negativity and negative energy affect you?This episode we talk about how hard it is to find your happier if you are constantly surrounded by negativity and criticism.  What can you do about it?  You have options, you always have options, you just have to figure out what best suits you.We also talk about what kind of energy you are personally giving those around you.  Have you looked at yourself lately and figured out if maybe you are someone else's criticizer?  None of us want to be that for our loved ones, so let's do the work we need to do to get ourselves to a better mental space.Remember, the happier we are the more happiness we have to share!…
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The Power of Gratitude EP#018

The Power of Gratitude EP#018

Do you let the little things in life get you down? Do you find yourself favouring negative instead of positive? This week we are unleashing the power of gratitude. You don't always have to focus on the big things…noticing the small things in your life that you are grateful for can bring you more happiness. And, side benefit, it gets you to stop focusing on the things you don't have or don't want in your life and appreciate the things that you do have.Life is too short to not to appreciate all the amazing blessings we have in our lives. Now more than ever it is important to figure out a gratitude practice and focus on the good. Sometimes you just need to take those frustrating moments and re-frame them.…
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Being The Real You EP#017

Being The Real You EP#017

Are you like me and still trying to figure out you?  Do you sometimes get so busy being the person you are expected to be that you forget who you really are?  Do you have designated masks for each role you play in your life, and sometimes forget the real person underneath?  Have you been wearing these masks for so long that you are not even sure you remember the real you? I think we all need to be a little more rebellious. This week's episode was inspired by something Ronsley Vaz said at Podfest 2020, “In a society that profits from you not liking yourself, being you is a rebellious act.”  I think I want to be a little rebellious. I think we all need to be a little…
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Setting Boundaries, Saying No and the Tough Stuff EP#016

Setting Boundaries, Saying No and the Tough Stuff EP#016

Sometimes the road to the happier you is not easy and fun-filled.  Even after you have done some personal growth work you get tested on some of your decisions.  Setting boundaries is tough because sometimes those boundaries require you to turn down things that you would have previously said yes to.  This week  I share my struggle with saying no, honouring my boundaries, admitting I'm high maintenance and getting through some of the tough stuff on my journey towards the happier me.  Good thing this is a journey, and the joy is in the journey.
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