Are You Waiting For Happiness To Come To You? EP#057

Waiting for happiness to come to you?

This week I am talking about taking steps toward creating your happiness instead of waiting for it to come to you.  When you choose happiness then you can enjoy the journey to those things that you think will bring you happiness, instead of just the accomplishment of the goal or achievement.
Each of us has our own happiness journey, there is no set path.  However, you have to start somewhere.  Don’t sit back and wait for happiness to come to you. 

Your Happiness is inside of you. 

In this episode I am sharing why I think being proactive is important, and how I think you can jump start your happiness journey today.

Resources This Week:
The Happier You 21 Day Challenge

I hope you enjoy this week’s podcast. Don’t forget we’d love to see you over on the Facebook Group, The Happier You Podcast!  You can also sign up to get the podcast delivered right to your inbox here.