This week we are asking, “Are You Up For The Challenge?” Did you set a New Year’s goal or did you shy away from the challenge? What if I told you that the most important thing is choosing the right challenge? When you tap into the right challenge your best qualities come out to show you what you are made of! I share this really cool exercise I learned to get you to identify those qualities in YOU!! Once you do that, you will never set a “meh” goal ever again!
Resources I referenced this week:
The 21 Day Happiness Challenge –click to join our challenge starting 1 Feb 2021!
Dorothy Lazovik – Check out herwebsite. She has a great blog there too.
Doris Belland – Check out her website. Her recent blog post is one of my favourites. Check it out!!!
I hope you enjoy this week’s podcast. Don’t forget we’d love to see you over on the Facebook Group, The Happier You Podcast!
And remember you can get the podcast and the Happiness Newsletter emailed to you weekly when you join our mailing list here!
Episode Transcript
Hi, happy people. And welcome back. This week we’re asking, “Are you up for the challenge?”
A couple of episodes ago we were talking about New Years Resolutions and New Years goals. I realized that I hadn’t set a New Years Goal, not a big one, in a long time.
So Why don’t we set goals?
Are we scared of failure and just don’t want to start something that we know we can’t really achieve?
Are our goals so big we don’t actually believe we can achieve it, so we don’t even start?
Or Maybe those goals just don’t really come from us.
We feel we need to have one so we state one we think people want to hear, or the one our parents or spouse want for us.
I don’t know.
Personally, I was tired of not achieving my goals. So I played it safe and didn’t take the time to set a big goal.
I realized that when I find a goal that speaks to me, that inspires me, I get off my butt and I learn new things. I push myself to do things that I wouldn’t do if I didn’t have a stretch goal.
We need to find a goal that speaks to us. That calls to us to learn and grow and change.
You know, like running a 10 mile, or starting a podcast…things that feel a little crazy, but if you break them down, they are doable.
Recently I got to attend a training put on by a lady named Dorothy Lazovic. She’s a leadership coach and brand expert. When you hear her speak, she just has this strength of character about her that you’re immediately drawn to.
In her training she had us remember a proud moment.
After giving us a little bit time to think about it, we then had to share our proud moment with a partner.
We had to describe how we felt about that proud moment, and what skills we used to get to that proud moment. Then, together as a team, you and your partner, were to come up with some words that describe a person who would achieve something like that.
What happened was a lot of us felt those feelings by describing that event and what we felt when we got to that proud moment. We connected with the feelings and they resurfaced in us again. We realized that we own those skills. They’re already in there. All those skills and talents are inside you when you need them.
Sometimes we forget that they’re in there. And if the goal doesn’t speak to us, or we’re not forced into a situation where we need to draw on those skills, we forget that we even have them.
When I ask you, Are you up for the challenge? The answer is YES, you are.
You need to challenge yourself and find something that inspires you and pushes you outside your comfort zone to learn and grow.
When I sat down to figure out my 2021 new Years Goal, a BIG one, I realized I had already done it. I had already set up some pretty cool goals that inspire me, it just wasn’t at New years.
Previously I had talked about a course I had taken with my friend Doris called Money Mindset. One of the things we had to do at the end of the course was write a letter to ourselves and say where we would be in one year from then.
Remember we had been working on mindset, so it was realizing what beliefs hold you back and really thinking about what you want and why you stand in your own way. We were all in a really good headspace to write down what we want our life to look like in one year.
I wrote my letter that night. Then I slept on it. I got up the next morning and I rewrote it. In the light of day, I set myself goals that were stretch goals, but believable. Goals that I actually believed, that if I put my head down and got to work, I could actually achieve them. And be really proud of myself.
It was a big enough stretch that I couldn’t just sit back and Passively hope for them to happen. I actually had to break them down into small achievable steps.
Then, Patricia who was our guest on the happier you podcast last week, reached out and invited us all to create an accountability group. So those of us that wrote those letters that night get together virtually once a month to help keep each other accountable. Accountable to the goals that we created for ourselves. A life that we projected we would be living in September 2021.
I have to tell you, its been pretty effective so far. I never thought of writing a letter to myself and saying what my life would look like one year down the road as a new years goal or resolution. But, ultimately, that’s what it is.
Saying, what do I want in my life? What things do I want to have dealt with and are no longer an issue in my life? What habits do I want to have and what lifestyle am I living. I read that letter every month and I make sure I am working towards achieving those goals. A shout out to my Mindset Mavens for being my awesome accountability peeps. You Rock girls!
Your challenge for this week is to actually think about a proud moment and then analyze that moment and talk about, or write down all the amazing qualities that it took to get to that moment.
It could be any challenge that you rose to. Whether it was something you chose or it was something that happened in your life that you just had to make it through.
Remember that moment, analyze it, acknowledge it, and celebrate it.
Think about those qualities and acknowledge that they are already inside of you. You had them before, they’re still there. And they’re there for you to draw on.
So, choose a stretch goal for yourself. Something that let’s you use those skills and that will make you really proud of yourself.
I’m also going to invite you to join our 21 Day Happiness Challenge! One of my stretch goals was figure out a way to reach more people with our happiness journey. So starting February 1st we are doing the 21 day happiness challenge. It feels like this pandemic has been going on forever. AND given February is known for the February blues, I thought what a great time to push myself and get this challenge together. think this is a perfect time to meet it with a happiness challenge. We are going to meet February head on, with 21 Days of Happiness.
Even if you are already on the newsletter list, I still need you to sign up for the 21 Day Happiness challenge so I only send the workbook and daily challenges to the people who really want it.
I think this is going to be a lot of fun and a I think this is a great goal to get us through this historically tough month together.
Please, share this with anyone and everyone. You never know who could use a little more happy in their life! I truly believe we are stronger together.
The plan is we’re going to make it through February happier. And you’re going to leave with some skills that you can use for the rest of 2021.
This week’s quote is by George S. Patton,
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory!
So, Are you up for the challenge?
Thanks for listening happy people.
Remember we would love for you to rate and review us on apple podcasts. It just helps other people find us if they need more happy in their life. And of course, we would really love you to join our Facebook community, The Happier You Podcast. Join us and share your thoughts on the different episodes or just show us your favourite coffee mug, where you are listening to the podcast or your favorite vacation spot. We’re always sharing fun stuff and encouragement with each other. And lastly, if you want the podcast delivered to your inbox, along with the midweek newsletter to keep your happiness top of mind, you can sign up for the newsletter on our website at thehapperyou.net.
All right happy people. Have a good one, and go get your happy on!!!